Ghaziabad, 16 December 2023: The shooting of the short film “House No. 01” took place on Saturday in Kavi Nagar, Ghaziabad. “House No. 01” short film is produced by Samay Bharat Media Production House Pvt. Ltd. Omkar Das Manikpuri is in the lead role in this film. Kashish Choudhary is playing the role of lead actress in the film. This film is full of suspense and thrill. ‘House No. 01’ short film will also be released on OTT platform very soon.
The short film “House No. 01”, being made under the banner of Samay Bharat Media Production House Private Limited, was shot in Kavinagar area of Ghaziabad on Saturday. Peepli Live fame famous actor Omkar Das Manikpuri (Nattha) will be seen in the lead role in the film. After 24×7 digital live channel and print media, Samay Bharat has now taken its first step in film production house also. Alka Verma, Director of Samay Bharat Media Production House Private Limited, said that after the short film ‘House No. 01’, the production house will also make web series, short movies and films. Producer Amit Verma of Samay Bharat Media Production House said that people will like the short film “House No. 01” very much. Amit told that Samay Bharat Media Production House was thinking of entering the film industry for the last several years. After listening to the story of “House No. 01” from director Amit Panwar, it was decided that this production house will also enter Bollywood through this story. The film’s producer Amit said that very soon Bharat Media Production House and 14 music companies are going to start shooting the web series in Madhya Pradesh. The film’s director Panwar said that the direction of the film says that what one does to others, the same happens to others.
The release date of the film has not been announced yet, but “This January 2024, the thrill and suspense short film “House No. 01” is likely to be released on the OTT platform.
“The actors playing the characters in the film are – Omkar Das Manikpuri, Kashish Choudhary, Rashid Ali, Shubham, Shishupal Thakur etc.”
The “Suspense”, “Thriller”, “Crime” short film ‘House No. 1’ is directed by – Amit Panwar, Producer – Amit Verma and Writer – Rupesh Verma. The film’s lead actor Omkar Das Manikpuri has expressed his intention to take the film to a new height. Omkar Das Manikpuri has told that after this film, Omkar Das will also be seen playing the role of father in a web series to be made under the supervision of Samay Bharat Production House.
Producer Verma of Samay Bharat Media Production House told that after the shooting of the film “House No. 01” is over, Samay Bharat is going to shoot its next shoot in “Datia”, a web series in Madhya Pradesh starring Mr. Omkar Das Manikpuri. Will be seen playing the role of a father.
“Samay Bharat producer Amit Verma on the sets of the short film shooting of House No. 01, along with his family. Reyanshi Verma and Aayan Verma got the mahurat of the shooting of House No. 01 short film. Samay Bharat Media The parents of the producer of the production house congratulated and blessed their son Amit Verma for taking his first step in the film world and also congratulated all the characters of the film and inspired them to work.


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